Source Themes

Lavoratori o lavoratrici povere? Disuguaglianze di genere nel mercato del lavoro in Europa.

The article analyses gender inequalities in the probability of being working poor by considering the effect of macro-level labour market characteristics related to the unfavourable conditions women experience when being employed. In Europe, women are …

Lone mothers in Belgium. Labour force attachment and risk factors.

In Belgium, lone parent families represent almost one fourth of the households with children, aside from the existence of regional differences in the phenomenon's prevalence. Zooming in on Flanders, the poverty risk for this type of family is …

Migrant Status and Lone Motherhood. Risk Factors of Female Labour Force Participation in Switzerland.

Compared to non-migrant mothers in couples, migrant lone mothers face a much higher risk of being out of the labour market, given that both lone motherhood and international migration have been shown to be strongly related to non-employment. In this …

Unpacking configurational dynamics. Sequence analysis and qualitative comparative analysis as a mixed-method design

This chapter proposes a novel sequential mixed-method design that brings together the strengths of sequence analysis (SA) and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). Both methods rely on an epistemological framework that combines analytical and …

Gender, education, and family life courses in East and West Germany. Insights from new sequence analysis techniques

Vulnerabilität alleinerziehender Mütter in der Schweiz aus einer Lebensverlaufsperspektive

This paper contributes to the understanding of vulnerability related to lone parenthood in Switzerland. Vulnerability is a dynamic process during which individuals experience falls and lose resources, but might also rise and gain empowerment as an …

Pushed or pulled? Girls and boys facing early school leaving risk in Italy

Compared to girls, boys are more at risk of early school leaving. However, it is unclear whether gender differences are driven by push factors, which alienate students from the school system, or pull factors, which attract them out of it. This paper …

Self-reported health among lone mothers in Switzerland. Do employment and education matter?

Lone mothers may have several difficulties taking up employment, especially if they live in a country where parents receive little support to reconcile work and family life. Under such circumstances, is it better to work in order to raise one’s …

An example journal article

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An example conference paper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis posuere tellus ac convallis placerat. Proin tincidunt magna sed ex sollicitudin condimentum.