Who has been really "left behind"? Gender differences in the labor market among early-school-leavers

We examine various studies showing the persistence of a substantial gender gap in school-to-work transitions and in the active participation in the italian labor market of young people with low educational attainment. We that, despite the concerns expressed in the public debate for boys with low educational success, in the Italian case it is young women with low qualification who are exposed the highest risks of being “left behind” in the labor market.

In Italian: “Chi è stato davvero “lasciato indietro”? Le differenze di genere nell’integrazione dei giovani scarsamente istruiti nel mercato del lavoro", Menabó Etica & Economia.

In German: “Arbeitsmarktrisiko Geschlecht In Italien haben es Mädchen nach dem Schulabbruch besonders schwer", WZB Mitteilungen N. 167.